Investigation of CRAM Middle School: Hiring of Dr. Jo Ann Cason as Dean of Students.


Investigation of CRAM Middle School: Hiring of Dr. Jo Ann Cason as Dean of Students.(Part I)

Investigation of Cram Middle School
Investigation of Cram Middle School

by Ron Thomas: Celebrity Blogger and Guest Writer for The Nevada Business Directory. According to the CCSDTalk App, Dr. Jo Ann Cason was hired by Cram Middle School in December of 2017. The CCSDTalk app alleges that Dr. Cason was referred to this position by the blonde-haired Principal of Findlay Middle school, Brenda Caszatt. In fact, the CCSDTalk App claims that Ms. Caszatt sent a letter to Findlay teachers, and to others, praising Dr. Jo Ann Cason: “I would like to congratulate Dr. Cason for being named Dean of Students at Cram Middle School. I would like to thank her for all of her hard work and dedication to our school….” This Publisher disputes and disagrees with certain claims made by Findlay Middle School Principal Brenda Caszatt. This public rebuttal is an open inquiry in regards to allegations and concerns expressed by former teachers and others in regards to the qualifications, training, and suitability of current Cram Middle School Dean of Students, Dr. Jo Ann Cason, and her past employment with Findlay Middle School as a Math teacher.

Passing the Trash at Clark County School Distrct and hiring unqualified African-American women over others.

Quotas are big business in Nevada. The Clark County School District shops for female teachers in the Philippines and shops for African-American women everywhere. Passing the trash works at Clark County School District schools. The most unqualified employees are referred to by other lesser qualified persons, and the result is the cold-fact: Nevada Schools are last in the United States of America! In the annual Quality Counts report, which assigns overall scores to states based on student performance, school financing and other qualities of K-12 public schools, schools in Nevada ranked at the very bottom. Thank you Dr. Jo Ann Cason, and thanks to Brenda Caszatt. Great job at keeping the Clark County School District where it belongs: at the bottom.

Even in the Jim-Crow era, African-American women were the preferred choice of former slave-owners and segragationists to ensure Black family instability, and to ensure the Black male would by systematically denied employment, or at least, substantial barriers would be placed in his path. Jo Ann Cason, and other under-qualified Black females understand that Black women are preferred for employment over better qualified African-American males due to the propensity of many Black women to serve as the white man’s personal prostitute; to tow the line of racial disparity; and, lastly to help the ‘system’ deprive Black youth of a stable household.

To emphasize this point: Black male employees ARE NEVER DISCIPLINED, OR REPRIMANDED. THEY ARE FIRED FIRST.

Practice of Hiring Unqualified Minority, and African-American Women to Meet Government Quotas, and Using them as Overseers Over Minority males.

In the antebellum South’s plantation hierarchy, overseers were the middlemen of Slavery. The masters expected them to produce profitable crops while maintaining a contented workforce of slaves who had little reason to work hard to improve the efficiency of the cotton plantations. The overseers were selected and groomed based upon their loyalty to the Master, and the willingness of the overseer to do whatever it takes to please his/her Master. Little or no regard was made to ascertain his/her qualifications. The same principles apply today: loyalty, subservience, no matter the costs.

Have you ever wondered why you NEVER or very rarely hear of a Black female accusing a white male, or any type of male she deems superior to herself, of a crime (unless her son was the victim of police brutality) or sexual harassment? Out of hundreds of women who have accused rich and powerful white guys of sexual harassment in the recent news (including Steve Wynn), NOT A SINGLE ACCUSER HAS BEEN A BLACK WOMAN? WHY? How many black women have accused President Donald Trump of harassment? None! Only loud mouth, masculine, abrasive, and manly looking Omarosa Manigault came to the defense of Mr. Donald Trump until she too was axed from her position.

One need only review the facts, the silence, the hiring records in Nevada, to reach the conclusion that there are millions of weave-wearing, no morals, race-and-gender-privileged black women who would gladly accept abuse and even rape by any white male.

Additonal evidence is contained in the Amazon bookstores, where you will find hundreds of poorly-written books written by illiterate and skank-type African-American women fawning over white males or thug black males they openly dream about. No such books are written by white males, however, and to no surprise.

Indeed, Black women are often leading perpetrators and/or co-participants in racial abuses against Black males, the failures of Black male children, single parent Black households, student abuses, white-collar crimes, anger-filled young black females, etc. Such women willingly participate in various perversity associated with that role inorder to demonstrate loyalty to their Masters.

The Clark County School District places a premium on hard-edged, masculine,weave-wearing, manless, Black female employees because it is believed that these employees are loyal to the ‘system.’ In many ways, they operate like an Overseer. They fine tune their anger at the sight of certain males. This is the case at many Clark County Schools, and certainly is the case at Cram Middle School, Findlay Middle School, and other schools where Black women are placed in an Administrative position. No qualified minority men, just unqualified minority and white women.

The Case Against former Findlay Middle School Math Teacher Dr. Jo Ann Cason and the Need to Audit the Special Education Department of both Findlay MS and Cram Middle School.

According to her social media account dated in 2014, Dr. Jo Ann Cason studied at Morgan State University. She also admitted to employment at a Clare Muhammad School. Although these would be red-flags at many Fortune 500 corporations, the Clark County School District does not have the same standards. Ms. Cason has no educational background from a top tier Division I school that has a history of celebrated Nobel Prize winners. The Clark County School District, consistent with its inferior last-place status, has no respect for Black male employees who graduate from elite institutions, but gladly hire and recruit lesser-qualified Black female, Phillipine females, and white females who simply LACK THE MORALS AND IQ LEVEL as their better qualified Black male job applicants.

A Podcast series from CCSDTalk reveals that both Findlay and Cram Middle School rank in the top 20 of all Clark County School District schools with violence reported. Findlay Middle School, under blonde-haired bimbo, and low IQ Brenda Caszatt, ranked 7th over-all for the 2016-17 fiscal year. In other words, one can deduce that while Ms. Jo Ann Cason was at Findlay Middle School, Findlay Middle students were fighting each other, cursing at each other, screaming at each other, and engaging in violent acts towards each other.

Records held by the current of Dean of Students, Ms. Sharon Williams, will surely verify these facts.

In fact, a leading CCSDTalk rumor has it that many Findlay Middle School students are nicknamed Frequent Flyers for their steady violence, routine student attacks, profanity outbursts, truancy, and consistent bullying against teachers and students. Contrary to the false and outrageous claims of LOW I.Q. principal Brenda Caszatt, Dr. Jo Ann Cason is a Quitter, not a leader! She quit Findlay Middle School at the same time that many other licensed teachers and personnel decided to leave the Findlay Middle School Train Wreck. Findlay Middle School can’t keep quality teachers because no one wants to work with an airhead administrator like principal Brenda Caszatt or work alongside unqualified minority female overseers who are hired based upon race and gender and who simply can’t get along with their moral and educational superiors.

Dr. Jo Ann Cason and Brenda Caszatt : low Math Scores at Findlay Middle School, Racial Slurs, and Dysfunction.

Dr. Jo Ann Cason and Brenda Caszatt : low Math Scores at Findlay Middle School, Racial Slurs, and Dysfunction. Dr. Jo Ann Cason left Findlay Middle School like many others have. A school in disarray, low morale, and frequent insults among middle school students. The worst part, however, is how a white female principal tolerate black students referring to each as ‘Niggers.” When Black male teachers protest, they are deemed “not able to get along with the students.”
In fact, too many Black male and minority students at Findlay Middle School are suffering. Self-hating Black female students(weave-wearers and straight-iron users) are taught to or encouraged to embrace white female teachers while disrespecting better qualified Black male teachers. It should be no surprise that female teachers HAVE FAILED black students, and Black students continue to have the lowest test scores in the entire U.S.A. The Math scores at Findlay Middle School are among the lowest in the state, and the number of violence and bullying complaints are among the highest.

Complaints against Black female Special Education teacher Delaine Jones were ignored by bimbo Brenda Caszatt. Sources claim that a better qualified minority male teacher complained that Delaine Jones refused to or was intellectually unable to learn a simple computer-based program called Canvas. She never studied the Canvas programming code, refused to research the steps, templates, and menus, and furthermore she skipped several classes without telling the lead Black male instructor who helped RAISED the students learning ability and grade scores. Guess which teacher was given an award and honored by low I.Q. Brenda Caszatt? Guess hint: Not the better qualified, moral, and Black male teacher who worked 60 per week. Delaine Jones, an under-qualified Black female teacher, was paid for 40 hours per week, but sources report that skipped class on several occassions, left her classroom early, did not work the same long hours as her better qualified and more intelligent Black male colleagues, but was REWARDED by passive racist Brenda Caszatt.

Former and current teachers claim that Brenda Caszatt is a disaster for Findlay Middle School. Findlay Middle School has more under qualified Black female teachers than Compton,CA has gang members. Sources claim that IEP records and detailed record-keeping of such records are virtually non-existent at schools that employ Dr. Jo Ann Cason. Check the logs for Special Education Teacher Delaine Jones. Were students provided the proper accommodations by Delaine Jones? Logs are not dated or signed, and the rights of students are not being protected. In one instance, Delaine Jones tried to restrict the First Amendment Rights of Findlay Middle students demanding that the students stand for the Pledge of Allegiance.

Clark County School District is Last Place for a Reason: Administrators Not Required to Have Computer Skills.

If Lebron James could transfer his skills as a basketball players to a teacher for the Clark County School District, he would be fired within a year. According to the CCSDTalk community, and her experience at Findlay Middle School, Ms. Cason worked as a Math teacher for 6th-grade students. However, Dr. Cason was approved to be a Dean of Students along with many Black females who LACK MODERN COMPUTER SKILLS.

To put this in perspective, would you agree to fly on an airplane with a pilot who lacks flying experience?? The computer is synonmous with knowledge, skill, and expertise. It is a vital piece of equipment, but CCSD Administrators are not required to be computer efficient. In turn, this results in waste. Neither Brenda Cazlatt, or Dr. Jo Ann Cason, have any demonstrated knowledge of Canvas, CSS, PERL, CGI, HTML, .PHP, Java, Javascript, or any other type of computer programming language.

In revewing online records, Dr. Jo Ann Cason passed the PRE PROFESSIONAL SKILLS TEST required of Math teachers working in Nevada. The test is so easy that the administraors of the Praxis test, ETC, have eliminated the test in favor of the much more Difficult Praxix -II series. Ms. Cason has not passed the more difficult test, and it is very doubtful if she has the I.Q. level to pass the new test.

Conclusion: Investigation of CRAM Middle School: Hiring of Dr. Jo Ann Cason as Dean of Students.

The community has doubts about the experience, qualifications, and suitablity of Dr. Jo Ann Cason to be a Dean of Students at Cram Middle School. The association of Dr. Jo Ann Cason with Findlay Middle School raises more concerns. Is Dr. Jo Ann Cason a legitimate and qualified Dean of Students for ALL students, or is she part of the problem of helping to destablize black household and hindering minority youth? Why does Dr. Dr. Jo Ann Cason lack basic computer knowledge, refuse to recommend the termination of Delaine Jones, or the termination of the white female Special Education instructor who placed her bosom in the face of a disable black male Cram Middle School youth?

Tanikka Queen: Nevada Prosecutors Catch Jungle Fever of Las Vegas Teacher

Tanikka Queen: Nevada Prosecutors Catch Jungle Fever of Las Vegas Teacher

Tannika Queen: Jungle Fever
Tannika Queen: Jungle Fever Prosecutors seek probation.

By Special Correspondent:Ron Thomas. Tanikka Queen: Nevada Prosecutors Overwhelmed by Jungle Fever of Las Vegas Teacher. The criminal case docket read as The State of Nevada vs. TANIKKA SHEA QUEEN. A more accurate title would be The Nevada State of Corruption AND TANIKKA SHEA QUEEN vs. No One. The Nevada Judicial System is so woefully corrupt that it is a danger to itself. Why should anyone report a crime or aSsist any Nevada police officer because of the sissy male Nevada prosecutors WHO can’t separate their role as state prosecutors from potential suitors of female crime suspects. Neither have they proven an ability to prosecute regardless of race, gender, or socio-economic factors. In fact, a report produced by theSouthern Poverty Law Center on radical white extremist Cliven Bundy that tracks extremist groups, reveals disturbing facts that suggests that two Nevada police officers were killed because the local Sheriff apparently was too much of a coward to get tough with Cliven Bundy when he had a chance. Despite their deaths, and the extensive report produced, the state of Nevada cannot and will not admit that the two officers were in fact the victim of a corrupt judicial system that collapsed on the weight of reverse white racism. Point-of-fact: If Cliven Bundy were an African-American male (however remote and unlikely), the Nevada Police Officer Igor Soldo, and Police Officer Igor Soldo would still be alive. The widows of the deceased police officers will never publicly accept this theory. However, the Southern Poverty Law Center makes this argument very plausible. In trying to curry favor with radical extremists, the Sheriff exposed his officers to violent attacks by men who were even more emboldened by the slaughter of two white police officers. Militia leaders think that killing black cops would not produce much shock value.

Tanikka Queen Arrest Report Exposes Teacher as Pervert

In April 2014, I authored an article for the Scholarship Blog entitled Prosecutors Throw Book at Tannika Queen.

In March of 2014, Clark County School District Police Sgt. Mitch Maciszak said in a news conference that Tanikka S. Queen, 22, was arrested on numerous criminal counts including luring a child with sexual intent, open and gross sexual lewdness and kidnapping. The criminal counts, Maciszak said, were related to a perverted, dirty, and disgusting relationship that Tanikka S. Queen apparently had with a Middle school youth too young to properly judge Tanikka S. Queen as a potential pervert and prospecting child molester. According to the arrest report of Tannika Queen, on March 11, after having been taken into custody, the African-American woman quickly confessed to police that she was a slut on the loose. She admitted that she had dirty, immoral, and filthy sex with a 15-year-old desperate male student. Although she knew of the Nevada Scholarships sponsored by National Academy of American Scholars, she focused instead on her private lust. The low I.Q., desperate, disgraced, and perverted UNLV grad claimed in a text message &#34I am in love with [him]. I have never been in love.&#34 In another report with a detective, she told detectives she even had sex with the boy while she was house-sitting for a friend. In other words, Tanikka S. Queen is apparently so much of a tramp that she can’t be trusted to serve as a substitute teacher or even in a simple capacity as a house-sitter without her dirty mind wandering. Tannika, can you stop thinking about sex for even 1 minute?!! Read the Bible instead. The claim that she has never been in love before is certainly believable; what normal adult is attracted to a child molester who looks like Tannika Shea Queen? Tannika Queen has never won a beauty contest to my knowledge, and I doubt she will be Ms. Nevada any time soon.

Nevada District Attorney Steve Wolfson Claims Tanikka Queen Should be Made an Example

Nevada District Attorney Steve Wolfson publicly claimed that Tanikka Queen should be Made an Example, but it was Tanikka Queen who made an example of the would-be Jungle Fever prosecutor. Nevada District Attorney Steve Wolfson charged Tannika Shea Queen with at least 29 criminal charges following her arrest in March of 2014. The criminal counts included first-degree kidnapping, statutory sexual conduct and luring a child with technology, along with one count of sexual conduct between an employee and a student. Together, the charges add up to at least 50 years or more behind bars. In explaining the volume of charges, the Nevada District Attorney Steve Wolfson claimed in a local paper that &#34This teacher broke this trust and took advantage of a young child. So yes, we want to send a message that this is unacceptable behavior and there will be consequences&#34 .

What about the example he was supposed to set when dirty tramp Amanda Brennan ( a Foothill High School teacher) was using her dirty body on teenage boys? With Tanikka Queen, the Nevada prosecutors claimed they are setting an example. Clark County School District Police Capt. Ken Young told the Daily News that Tanikka Queen, 22, basically is looking at sex related charges with a minor … sexual seduction, luring, kidnapping.” In fact, Tanikka Queen, even confessed to having sex with the student when confronted with dirty and sexually-laced text messages. Less than 60 days later, the same Jungle Fever prosecutor would backtrack on his showboating, fraudulent, and deceptive claims.

Hypocrite Steve Wolfson: Over 40 Charges Dropped Against Jungle Girl Tanikka Queen

According to a report in the Las Vegas Review Journal, published April 11th, 2014 , Tanikka “Bella” Queen agreed to a Jungle Fever plea deal with the Jungle Fever male prosecutors in the case. Nevada District Attorney Steve Wolfson allowed, approved, and endorsed a sweet-heart plea deal that contradicts his claims of making an example out of Tannika Shea Queen. What an incredible about-face from a man who previously claimed that the actions of this sick child molester had betrayed the public trust. Who is really betraying the public trust: A child molester teacher or a lying District Attorney that files wasteful criminal charges merely to pretend to act in the interest of justice? What needs to happen is that the salary of Steve Wolfson should be reduced by the total expense of investigating charges that he later dropped. This would discourage prosecutorial show-boating and half-ass Jungle Fever prosecutions.

Tramp Tanikka Queen agreed to plead guilty to two felonies, one count each of luring a child to engage in a sexual act and sexual conduct by a school employee and a pupil. In excahnge for the plea deal, the corrupt Jungle Fever prosecutors in the case agreed to drop 43 other counts against Tanikka “Bella” Queen, and thus, making a liar out of the claims of District Attorney Steve Wolfson who claimed previously that Tanikka Queen would be &#34made an example of..&#34 The fact is that citizens of Nevada should file complaints to the Nevada State Bar accusing Nevada District Attorney Steve Wolfson of moral turpitude, malfeasance, nonfeasance, fraud, and failure to render Honest Services. Another corrupt Nevada court official, Las Vegas Justice of the Peace Joe Sciscento, lowered Queen’s bail to $50,000. It had been previuously set to #100,000.00 The bali amount for Amanda Brennan, a white female teacher, was only $20,000.00 (20% of the bail of Tannika Queen). In the deep South. a Black woman has a worth of only 20% of a white woman. The bail ammount should have been set to at least $1 million.

Protest Special Treatment Given to Tanikka Shea Queen

Tanikka Shea Queen may be low enough to impress the Jungle Fever stereotypes of local Nevada prosecutors who view Afican-American women as cheap and easy whores, however Tannika Queen is unlikely to impress a legitimate man. Far too many American Black female crime suspects and suspicous groups are being pampered. Previously, I wrote a report about a suspicious group called Black Girls Code that the media had been reporting about. I sensed that the group was discriminating against white females, white women, black boys, and other persons that were not Black girls. When asked for a copy of their tax returns, the leader of the group (Bryant) refused. Clark County School District officials said Tannika Queen had been teaching as a substitute in the school district for about 13 months. At one point, the student’s father said the teen came home with a hickie on his neck, which the boy said came from Bella (a code name for Tanikka S. Queen). On another day, the father said his son did not get home until 7 p.m. because he was &#34hanging out with Bella.&#34 Translation: the boy was engaging in immoral, perverted, and disgusting activity with a child molester by the name of Tannika Shea Queen, and the irresponsible parent was never monitoring the student’s activity.

Tannika Queen Prosecutors: No Jungle Love for Black Male Crime Suspects

Nevada prosecutors never hesitated in prosecuting Jason Griffith for the alleged murder of a Hispanic female (Debbie Flores Narvaez), and they allowed his white male co-accomplice Louis Colombo to escape all charges. Instead of prosecuting both men for 1st degree murder, the Jungle Fever prosecutors turned to stone and instead focused their attention on the lone black male suspect. Ammar Harris, 27, was charged by Nevada prosecutors for the rape and robbery of an 18 year-old woman. He was sentenced to 18 years. What about Las Vegas Silverado High School Softball Coach Albert Hernandez Jr.? He was steam-rolled by both federal and state prosecutors and hammered with a 23-year prison term. Tanikka Queen should be treated like these men. Tannika Queen should be facing at least 50 years in federal prison, Instead, Tanikka Queen is the judicial beneficiary of a one-sided judicial process that rewards black female crime suspects seen as easy whores for Jungle Fever prosecutors who simply do not have the guts to prosecute curvy women of color.

Judicial Scams Played by Prosecutors Prevent Justice for Victims

Nevada prosecutors are playing the same dangerous game that California prosecutor Michelle Rodriguez played with serial child molester Laura Whitehurst: (1) Pretend to be tough; (2)Charge the female crime suspect with over a 20 valid and legitimate allegations of criminal conduct; and, (3) After the media dust has blown away, wipe away 90% of the charges and seek probation. This scheme violates State Bar rules of professional conduct, and ethical requirements of the American Bar Association. Prosecutors are deceiving the public and masking their inability to prosecute certain persons.

Tanikka Queen Plea-deal Proves Nevada Prosecutors Not Interested in Justice

Nevada prosecutors are not interested in jusice. They are more interested in who they can benefit and impress or date afterwards. Amanda Brennan, a former Foothill Highschool teacher lured a young boy to a car and used her dirty body against the kid. She was sentenced to probation. Jungle Queen Tanikka Queen admitted engaging in perverted acts. What more evidence do you need? The Jungle Fever Nevada prosecutors could not move forward. Why are they employed as prosecutors if they cannot prosecute persons fairly? Nevada residents and tourists need to be protected against both male and female perverts, regardless of race or gender. Tanikka Queen has proven herself to be a dangerous,foul-mouthed, dirty, filthy, scheming, and immoral person who clearly cannot be trusted with minors or adults. She needs to be at a Senior citizen’s hospice or a group home with lesbian women to control her defective and evil sexual habits. Tanikka Queen is a disgrace to the Christian church, and a complete failure in the African-American community, and a disgrace to all civilized and normal women. Religious Castration is a sentence that appears to be suitable.

Tanikka Queen Connection to Jerad and Amanda Miller

Nevada residents are wondering why two Nevada cops were slaughtered by Mr. Jerad Miller and his lawful wife, Mrs Amanda Miller? When your justice system becomes a joke, a scam, and operated by cowardly prosecutors, and helped by judges who will not reject prosecutor requests for leniency, police officers seem to be the fall guys because they are viewed as the protectors of the judicial scam. If TANNIKA SHEA QUEEN had approached Jerad Miller with her filthy lust, I am confident that Mr. Miller would reject TANNIKA SHEA QUEEN. It is a shame that the father of the teen boy has not raised his son properly to reject the advances of predatory whores who are older than him. There is no tangible connection to slut Tanikka Queen and government protestors Jerad and Amanda Miller. TANNIKA SHEA QUEEN was lawfully charged with multiple acts of lewdness and perversity. She admitted her own misconduct when confronted with evidence. She must be treated the same way as Mr. Jason Griffth, Mr. Albert Hernandez, Jr, Mr. Ammar Harris, and other similar men. Women want equality. Equality begins in the courtroom. Punish the earth-crawling whore Tannika Shea Queen. The only question is this: Does Tannika Shea Queen belong in a jail with other criminals, or does Tannika Shea Queen belong in a caged Zoo with other animals?
That’s my free-speech opinion. what’s your free-speech response?

Nevada Educator: Rape of White Children Encouraged

Nevada Educator
Nevada Educator

Do School District Policies Encourage Rape of White Children?

Do School District Policies Encourage Rape of White Children? Clark County School Superintendent Pat Skowkorsky seems unable to stem the tide of Nevada teachers abusing children in general, and certainly he has failed to protect the endless abuse of white children. After-all, the leader must take responsibility for the huge volume of Nevada teachers molesting students. The picture fraud by Clark County School Superintendent Pat Skowkorsky, as well as his unusual, no-competition, and secretive hiring is a green light to molest, taunt and rape Nevada students, especially white children. In addition, the extreme fear and cowardice of male Nevada prosecutors and the female staff that comprises the Nevada prosecution also is contributing to the rise in Nevada teacher molestations.

Nevada prosecutors had no problem getting tough with O.J. Simpson, who is simply an African-American male. Prosecutors know that Blacks would accept any punishment of O.J. A plea agreement with O.J. Simpson was rejected time and time again. The local Nevada prosecutors refused any and all negotiations with O.J. Simpson. This same scenario is routinely repeated with minority crime suspects and defendants across the country. In fact, national studies indicate that the incarceration rates for African-Americans is at least six times the national average..

Nevada Prosecutors and Nevada Educator Pat Skowkorsky Encourages Nevada Teacher Molestations

Nevada prosecutors and administrators of the Clark County School District allow white males and women to rape and molest white children, and when these persons are caught the consequences are so minor and meager that rape is apparently the preferred option. Look at the conduct of Superintendent Pat Skowkorsky, and the administrators of the Clark County School District. Pat Skowkorsky posts deceptive pictures of himself as a youthful male, and the Clark County School District accepts and tolerates this disgraceful conduct. Picture by Pat Skowkorsky sends a green light to child molesters.

Clark County School District Perversity Cases Rise under Nevada Educator Pat Skowkorsky

It is simple to predict a rise of Nevada teacher molestations and perverted acts because Nevada prosecutors have consistently failed and refused to prosecute persons who are white. Whereas thse same criminal suspects will receive no mercy in Wisconsin,Indiana,New Hampshire, and other states with large bodies of white-majority populations, Nevada prosectors work hard to prevent white defendants from being placed in jails dominated by minorities. The result is an increase in rape to white children, and sexual assault of white women. In fact, white women who are raped by white men are wasting their time in reporting such crimes. Virtually nothing will happen unless it happens on the Las vegas Strip.

Salary of Nevada Educator Pat Skowkorsky Doesn’t Match Qualifications

Caucasion children are the bait that local proscutors fail to respect and protect. I heard that the dating scene was terrible in Las Vegas, but I had no idea it was so bad that the teachers need to molest students. I have some solid ideas as how to reduce these events without any cost to the school district, but why should I share my ideas for free while Pat Skowkorsky receives an obscene salary of $300,000 for a job that he did not even interview for or even have to compete against anyone to get. Pat Skowkorsky is no more qualified to be a Clark School School District Superintendent than a local Walmart stock worker.

Nevada Educators Need to Promote More Nevada Scholarships for Nevada Students

Although many school districts in the state of Nevada informally refer Nevada students to well known scholarship search services, the best source of scholarships, grants, student loans, and financial-aid information for Nevada moms, women, and students are scholarships sponsored by National Academy of American Scholars. Nevada high-school students, students attending University of Reno, UNLV, CSN, and other well known institutions, should first consider the unique, special-interests, and academic quality of Nevada Scholarships sponsored by other organizations not located in Nevada.

Nevada Schools

Clark County School District linked to Deplorable Low Scores

Clark County School District
Clark County School District

Clark County School District Low-Scores Linked to Clark County School District Superintendent Pat Skowkorsky

Since the hiring of Clark County School District Superintendent Pat Skowkorsky, the Clark County School District continues to wallow in mediocrity, and incompetence. The no-compete selection of Pat Skowkorsky illustrates that the state of Nevada is content with being on the bottom rung of the educational ladder. In fact, in 2008, Education Week produced an article that detailed that the state of Nevada was ranked dead last in graduate rates .

Educated Parents Have an Unfavorable Opinion of Clark County School District teachers

A large proportion of educated residents of Nevada have an unfavorable opinion of teachers employed by the Clark County School District. In a poll conducted by the Nevada Business Directory, in which 2,045 Nevada households were called, 56% of surveyed parents had an unfavorable opinion of teachers and most felt the teachers were over-paid.

In general, parents with at least a 4-year college degree consider Nevada teachers employed by the Clark County School District as incompetent, lazy, greedy, and using Nevada youth in a deceptive means to inflate their teacher salaries. In addition, the Clark County School District has not been aggressive in promoting the Nevada scholarships, grants, and financial-aid sponsored by National Academy of American Scholars.

Last Place Clark County School District. Last Place Superintendent Pat Skowkorsky

The recent education figures detailing the last place ranking of Nevada had its origins from a Diplomas Count 2008 study. The study was based on 2004-05 school district census data from the U.S. Department of Education. The Clark County Schools Superintendent at the time was Walt Rulffes. He acknowledged that the county’s graduation rate has been “deplorable” and “shamefully low.”

In July 2012, the Annie E. Casey Foundation released another annual Kids Count report. For 23 years, the reports measured children’s overall well-being in local school districts, as well as the Clark County School District. Nevada ranked 49th among the states for children’s economic well-being and 46th in health. It ranked 41st in family and community issues such as teen births and children living in poverty.

Nevada Schools Are Not Performing Well in the Promotion of NAAS Scholarships

Unlike their national counter-parts, Nevada schools are lagging behind in aggressively promoting scholarships, grants, and financial-aid sponsored by National Academy of American Scholars. Nevada students are eligible for many awards geared toward Nevada students. The Nevada Business Directory encourages Nevada students to explore responsible websites when searching for scholarships, grants, and financial-aid. One of the measures of any school district is the promotion of NAAS Scholarships, and grants by direct linking to their website.
Clark County School District

When educated parents were asked if they had an unfavorable or favorable opnion of Pat Skowkorsky, over 64% concluded that In July 2012, the Annie E. Casey Foundation released another annual Kids Count report. For 23 years, the reports measured children’s overall well-being in local school districts, as well as the Clark County School District. Nevada ranked 49th among the states for children’s economic well-being and 46th in health. It ranked 41st in family and community issues such as teen births and children living in poverty.

Federal Study Confirms Last-Place Ranking of Clark County School District schools

In July of 2013, a federal study ranked Nevada 44th in the nation in per-pupil spending on education. The National Center for Education Statistics report that was made public analyzed public school expenditures and revenue in 50 states and Washington, D.C. The national average in per-pupil spending was $10,658 during fiscal year 2011. Washington, D.C., spent the most, at $20,793.
Nevada spent a paltry average of $8,411 per student in fiscal 2011, but agreed to pay Pat Skowkorsky over $300,000 a year for a job that he did not even interview for!.

Pat Skowkorsky has apparently not recognized or done nothing to alter the impression that Nevada is more interested in paying exorbitant fees to washed up entertainers who have declining ablum sales than providing economic stimuulus to Nevada students.

Pat Skowkorsky maintaining the last-place reputation of the Clark County School District.

Despite these deplorable results, the imcompetent members of the Clark County School Board selected a Kurt Rambis figure like Pat Skowkorsky to run the school district instead of seeking a Larry Bird. Pat Skowkorsky is doing a great job at maintainng the last-place reputation of the Clark County School District. If Clark County School District were as strict in their hiring standards as they are with the zero-tolerance policy when it comes to discipling minority children, poor white children, and their parentts, then the state of Nevada would have a much better selection than the privileged, and less-engaged Pat Skowkorsky. Strict hiring standards produced the choice of Dwight Jones. Loose hiring standards have yielded a dunce like Pat Skowkorsky.